Monday, March 28, 2005

Scale-free networks

Recent work by Jeremy Rifkin in his book,
The Age of Access
as well as work by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
points to a fact we have known for a long time: we live in anetworked world.
More recently, grid computing has become a new, exciting
way to connect/network together resources across the world. These elements,
plus some of the work done by myself and others, gives us an opportunity to create
new services and products which will make the business life of our customors easier.

In his book mentioned above, Jeremy Rikfin points out that the new hypercapitalism is one based
on on-going transactions, based on relationships between servers and clients, rather than a
capitalism based on transactions based on exchange of goods for money.

Some relevant presentations can be seen at
pointing to some work on scale-free networks.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Second gate - Mayn tates Yahrzeit

This past Adar II 3 was my father's Yahrzeit.

In his memory, I want to post one his early poems, dedicated to my Mom.
It is in Romanian. I hope to get a translation sometime soon.

L.I.D.I. Arad, 27 III 1954

Lumini s-aprinzi de ceara, atunci cind voi muri
Si flori de crin ca neaua, sa-mi la capatii
Daca-oi pleca-nainte si-aicea to ramii
Dincolo-n vesnicie si-acolo te-oi iubi

Iubirea sa mi-o scalzi, cu lacrimi si suspine
Iar pe pamintul proaspat, presara trandifiri
Voi intelege totul, din simplele priviri
Si nu voi inceta sa ma gindesc la tine

Durerea si iubirea sint de nedespartiti
Si nu te lasa singur or unde ai pleca
Se-aseaza fiecare, si-ti arde inima
Atunci cind vad doi ochi ce par a se iubi

Iubirea care-a fost, s-a dus si nu mai este
Din ea n-a mai ramas... doar triste amintiri
In care tu nu crezi, ca-n a mele previri
La urma ce-a ramas... Doar trista mea poveste...