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Subgenius Digest V2 #42
Sat, 24 Nov 90 04:02:00 EST

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Subgenius Digest Sat, 24 Nov 90 Volume 2 : Issue 42

Today's Topics:

Date: Fri, 23 Nov 90 19:12:30
Subject: leftovers

here are some tidbits from wwn (weekly world news) to add to your
merriment for these pagan holidays upon us :

sister and brother CLEONA and RAYMOND JOHNSON say they didn'y know they
were doing anything wrong when they started a family back in 1945.
but now their angry daughter LORENA FOLEY is suing them for giving
birth to her, saying she's been deprived of a normal life because of what
her parents did.
"just don't judge us too much," sai CLEONA, 62, who had three children
with her brother. "it's hard for me to explain things. i'm a shy person.
but the only thing that kept us together was love.
" we didn't tell the children. i don;t know why, we just didn't. and i
just thought we'd better go on with it for the kids' sake."
the incest couple, retired and living on social security in puyallup, wa,
are horrified to find themselves in the national spotlight after their
youngest daughter, 37, annunced her lawsuit.
mrs. FOLEY says her memory lapses, her stomach disorders, her speech
impediment, her crippling arthritis and other problems are the result of
inbreeding. she wants her parents to pay her damages.
"i wasn't ever expecting a lawsuit," RAYMOND JOHNSON, 72, said sadly. "it
doesn't feel very good. she wants money, as far as i know. i don't know
what the hell to say."
but LORENA FOLEY has plenty to say about her parents' bizzare relationship.
and she's been speaking for weeks now, appearing on TV and in newspapers
across the country.
"i just can't stand it anymore," the anguished woman sobbed during a TV
interview with tacoma station KIRO. " in my opinion they are getting away
with something that's not right. they say no harm done, but there is harm
done. this is a worse type of abuse than child abuse. because with child
abuse, you can get help and get over it. but this type of abuse is permanent
because it affects your health."
the mother of three says she found out about her parents' incest after an
uncle let something slip at a family funeral and she sent away for her mom
and dad's birth certificates. the discovery was devastating for her.
suspecting her health problems the result of incest, she consulted an
attorney. he filed a suit for her, claiming that bad genes caused her
everything from painful bunions, epileptic seizures and female problems
to learning disabilities, speech problems and difficulties coping.
"because of her problems she can't work, but her parents won't help her
with money," said the attorney, CARSON ELLER. "that's why she's suing. and
she feels she has a duty to her own children and the community to prevent this
from happening to other people.
shocked by a public airing of their private secret, the JOHNSONS have
announced their intention to keep ON living as MAN AND WIFE and have retreated
into silence. but their lawyer told the NEWS (wwn) he's seen no evidence
supporting mrs' FOLEY's claim that she has physically suffered from the
JOHNSONS' taboo love.
" we've seen absolutely nothing that shows she even HAS aillments," said
the attorney, CRAIG ADAMS. "we've requested medical files and doctors'
statements, but nothing has been given to us. we've seen no proof of

here's another story to go with your thanx-gIVing leftovers :

a cannibal who graded his victims for taste appeal says the flesh of other
savages is much better than that of outsiders - especially the germans,
russians and japanese.
TOH HOON, 53, revealed to dutch anthropologist JAN de GRAAF that the had the
opportunity to sample dozens of foreigners in his 40-year career in the
jungles of borneo and made mental notes about all of them.
dr. de GRAFF of amsterdam said the man's first choice for a meal of human
flesh was other cannibals and headhunters "because they have good, clean
tasting flesh with excellent texture."
the worst flesh the cannibal ever had was that of a japanese scientist,
who tasted like "raw fish sprinkled with sand," the expert said.
"i'm not at all surprised that he preferred his own kind because all
primitive people believe themselves superior to everyone else," dr. de
GRAFF added. " what does surprise me is that he rated the flesh of his
victims according to their nationality.
" he could actually taste the differences that were borne of their
widely different dietary backgrounds."
according to dr. de GRAFF, TOH said he hasn't had a meal of human flesh in
several years because old age now inhibits his hunting.
but he seemed to have a vivid recollection of several dozen humans he
ate in previous years and had this to say about his dinner guests :
ENGLISHMEN : " tough and stringy, but otherwise tasty."
GERMANS : " entirely too fat and greasy."
FRENCHMEN : " greasy, but very tender."
JAPANESE : " terrible, and only CHINESE are worse."
HISPANICS : " full of gristle, but great as a soup."
CANADIANS : " bland, almost watery, better with spices."
RUSSIANS : " bitter and foul-smelling."
ITALIANS : " spicy."
POLES : " too spicy."
IRISHMEN : " sickly sweet."
" the one AMERICAN TOH ate was rated high for taste, texture and appearance,"
said dr. de GRAFF.
" the meat wasn't quite as good as that of savages, but TOH said it was
definitely second best."

frater luXnoIr


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