Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Subgenius Digest V2 #42
Sat, 24 Nov 90 04:02:00 EST

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Subgenius Digest Sat, 24 Nov 90 Volume 2 : Issue 42

Today's Topics:

Date: Fri, 23 Nov 90 19:12:30
Subject: leftovers

here are some tidbits from wwn (weekly world news) to add to your
merriment for these pagan holidays upon us :

sister and brother CLEONA and RAYMOND JOHNSON say they didn'y know they
were doing anything wrong when they started a family back in 1945.
but now their angry daughter LORENA FOLEY is suing them for giving
birth to her, saying she's been deprived of a normal life because of what
her parents did.
"just don't judge us too much," sai CLEONA, 62, who had three children
with her brother. "it's hard for me to explain things. i'm a shy person.
but the only thing that kept us together was love.
" we didn't tell the children. i don;t know why, we just didn't. and i
just thought we'd better go on with it for the kids' sake."
the incest couple, retired and living on social security in puyallup, wa,
are horrified to find themselves in the national spotlight after their
youngest daughter, 37, annunced her lawsuit.
mrs. FOLEY says her memory lapses, her stomach disorders, her speech
impediment, her crippling arthritis and other problems are the result of
inbreeding. she wants her parents to pay her damages.
"i wasn't ever expecting a lawsuit," RAYMOND JOHNSON, 72, said sadly. "it
doesn't feel very good. she wants money, as far as i know. i don't know
what the hell to say."
but LORENA FOLEY has plenty to say about her parents' bizzare relationship.
and she's been speaking for weeks now, appearing on TV and in newspapers
across the country.
"i just can't stand it anymore," the anguished woman sobbed during a TV
interview with tacoma station KIRO. " in my opinion they are getting away
with something that's not right. they say no harm done, but there is harm
done. this is a worse type of abuse than child abuse. because with child
abuse, you can get help and get over it. but this type of abuse is permanent
because it affects your health."
the mother of three says she found out about her parents' incest after an
uncle let something slip at a family funeral and she sent away for her mom
and dad's birth certificates. the discovery was devastating for her.
suspecting her health problems the result of incest, she consulted an
attorney. he filed a suit for her, claiming that bad genes caused her
everything from painful bunions, epileptic seizures and female problems
to learning disabilities, speech problems and difficulties coping.
"because of her problems she can't work, but her parents won't help her
with money," said the attorney, CARSON ELLER. "that's why she's suing. and
she feels she has a duty to her own children and the community to prevent this
from happening to other people.
shocked by a public airing of their private secret, the JOHNSONS have
announced their intention to keep ON living as MAN AND WIFE and have retreated
into silence. but their lawyer told the NEWS (wwn) he's seen no evidence
supporting mrs' FOLEY's claim that she has physically suffered from the
JOHNSONS' taboo love.
" we've seen absolutely nothing that shows she even HAS aillments," said
the attorney, CRAIG ADAMS. "we've requested medical files and doctors'
statements, but nothing has been given to us. we've seen no proof of

here's another story to go with your thanx-gIVing leftovers :

a cannibal who graded his victims for taste appeal says the flesh of other
savages is much better than that of outsiders - especially the germans,
russians and japanese.
TOH HOON, 53, revealed to dutch anthropologist JAN de GRAAF that the had the
opportunity to sample dozens of foreigners in his 40-year career in the
jungles of borneo and made mental notes about all of them.
dr. de GRAFF of amsterdam said the man's first choice for a meal of human
flesh was other cannibals and headhunters "because they have good, clean
tasting flesh with excellent texture."
the worst flesh the cannibal ever had was that of a japanese scientist,
who tasted like "raw fish sprinkled with sand," the expert said.
"i'm not at all surprised that he preferred his own kind because all
primitive people believe themselves superior to everyone else," dr. de
GRAFF added. " what does surprise me is that he rated the flesh of his
victims according to their nationality.
" he could actually taste the differences that were borne of their
widely different dietary backgrounds."
according to dr. de GRAFF, TOH said he hasn't had a meal of human flesh in
several years because old age now inhibits his hunting.
but he seemed to have a vivid recollection of several dozen humans he
ate in previous years and had this to say about his dinner guests :
ENGLISHMEN : " tough and stringy, but otherwise tasty."
GERMANS : " entirely too fat and greasy."
FRENCHMEN : " greasy, but very tender."
JAPANESE : " terrible, and only CHINESE are worse."
HISPANICS : " full of gristle, but great as a soup."
CANADIANS : " bland, almost watery, better with spices."
RUSSIANS : " bitter and foul-smelling."
ITALIANS : " spicy."
POLES : " too spicy."
IRISHMEN : " sickly sweet."
" the one AMERICAN TOH ate was rated high for taste, texture and appearance,"
said dr. de GRAFF.
" the meat wasn't quite as good as that of savages, but TOH said it was
definitely second best."

frater luXnoIr

Monday, November 09, 2020

feminine MISTAKE

 As I was traversing the internet on a random walk, I ran into this piece by frater luXNoir from the Church of the SubGenius. It was posted a while back....

feminine MISTAKE

Tue, 23 Aug 88 16:17:27

this is from 'IN THESE TIMES'. it's a review of a recent book by DOKTOR toni grant, ' beING a WOman: fullfilling your feminity and finDING lOVE', by susan DOUGlas.
boy, have i been a dunce. i misguidedly thought that the reason i'd been out of sorts as a woman the past seven years was because things like the justice dept.'s assault on affirmative action, the increased feminization of poverty and the incessant attack on reproductive freedom to name just a few causes of female depression.
Yes, i'll admit it: i've been kinda moody since JAN.20, 1981, and i tended to blame my irratibility on others, particularly a few jowly, privileged, PINK-cheeked white men in WASHINGTON. I was even known to use the word PATRIARCHY now and then. but now that i've read the best selling 'beING WOman' by DOKTOR toni grant, a "pioneer in media psychology" who hosts a call-in show for the lovelorn, i realize just how misplaced my anger has been.
my analysis of the female condition under REAGANISM has been all wrong. i've been so busy looking at silly things like social structure and economic practices that i failed to identify the real enemy. toni grant, PH.D opened my eyes to the truth: the real reason i;ve been unhappy in the 80's is because i've been duped and lied to by FEMINISTS.
"in her incendiary new book", proclaimed a full-paged add in the new york times book review, "DOKTOR toni grant explodes the myth of 'liberation.'" the WOMEN's movement brought us nothing but misery and e women have only ourselves to blame. it is FEMINISM that is singlehandedly responsible for female "stress, anxiety, depression, compulsion, addiction and exhaustion." THE AMAZON BUNGLE: while women may have deluded themselves into thinking they cared about equal pay for equal worth, or incresed educational and occupational opportunities, DOKTOR toni grant knows better. actually, we don't give a hoot about these things; we desire only to be "taken, transported, ravished, swept away, carried over the threshold of love in the arms of a valiant hero." while reading this i felt the spark of recognition, for, secretly, this is how i REALLY feel whenever i see SYLVESTER STALONE, OLIVER NORTH or HUGH HEFNER. the problem for women today isn't that some men in power are TROGLODYTES, it's that women have become what DOKTOR toni call "AMAZONS". FEMINISM has turned us into overeducated, uptight, promiscuous, male-bashing shrews incapable and undeserving of love. the AMAZON travels in packs. whenever she encounters a man her tendency is to "draw her sword and go straight for the jugular and castrate wherever she senses WEAKNESS." such behaviour is generally unpopular, and it is grant's mission to help us get in touch with our softer nature and "embrace or lost feminity." for FEMINISM, argues DOKTOR toni, "cripples female power." REAL power comes from eyelash fluttering, tongue biting and toilet scrubbing.
quoting two knowledgeble AUTHORITIES on contemporary american women, carl JUNG and sigmund FREUD, grant notes that "women do not know themselves." but grant knows that, first and foremost, women are "passionately concerned about LOVE." a REAL woman is "psychologically pre-conscious" and operates in "a natural intuitive fashion, utilizing her feelings as opposed to her intellect. she doesn't think analytically or strategicaly about what she does at all. she just IS."
MAN-nifest DESTINY: in one of the many pathbreaking ideas in the book, grant puts forward the revolutionary new concept that "biology IS destiny." this means that ALL women are genetically programmed to be passive, submissive and deferential to men. the WOMEN's movement denied this IRREFUTABLE fact, and "the more extreme elements of the FEMINIST and SEXUAL revolutions" propagated what grant calls "the big LIES of liberation."
one such LIE maintained that "a woman's attractiveness to men would increase with her achievements." PREPOSTEROUS, exclaims grant. "the contemporary woman did not anticipate that being overeducated might hamper her ability to RELATE to men...research statistics that the higher a woman's education, the less apt she is to MARRY." this hit HOME. first, i realized that as an educator i was doing a cruel disservice to the women students i encouraged to attend graduate and professional shools.
SECONDLY, i knew DOKTOR toni was talking about my very own MARRIAGE and that i better share my concerns with my husBAND. "i'm so glad you brought this up," he exclaimed with relief. "you know, i just hate it when we sit around, have a few beers and talk about politics or the media or education. when we go back and forth about ideas, it's so, well...castrating. couldn't you take up needlpoint and talk about the thred, or just smile and listen and never say annything? our relationship would be so much better that way."
the other BIG LIES of libaration, such as the myth that men and women are fundamentally the same, the myth of one's unrealized potential and the myth that "DOING is better than BEING", have made today's woman "and imitation man at WAR with actual men." these AMAZONS "deserted their men and their children or rejected the entire notion of MARRIAGE and FAMILY; they "went to ORGIES" and "participated in ODD sexual arrangements" (a stage of the WOMEN's movement that i, unfortunately, missed out on). today's WOMEN "fix their own cars and leaky faucets, travel ALONE, pay their OWN bills and wield their OWN credit cards." that's me, all right. just YESTERDAY i rebuilt the ENGINE BLOCK.
men hate these independent, self-suficient types. in another pathbreaking passage, DOKTOR grant astutely observes that "boys will be boys; there is no getting away from it." just as all WOMEN are alike, so are all men. what guides men, in everything they do, is CASTRATION anxiety. because of this "men need to be right, and smart women know this and let them." men "do resist domesticity; they are hunters by nature and their natural instinst is to run free.' in another shimmering analogy, grant reminds us that "a fish, like a man, wants to swim free. he has a natural attraction to the bait but an aversion to the hook."
SWEET SURRENDER: all this is, of course, "rooted in gender biology: men physically go 'downward'; that is, they penetrate women. moreover, it has to do with man's biological NEED for dominance and CONTROL." women have to surrender to male willfulness and, sometimes, this is a tad fustrating. DOKTOR grant recommends DEEP BREATHING as "enormously helpful in the SURRENDER process." those women resistant to this SURRENder process are explicitly to "respiratory illness (blocking of the BREATHING passeges)." and for years i thought i had hay FEVER! now, by just saying "YES MASTER, whatever YOU say," several times a day, i can throw out those decongestants forever.
grant cites THE TAMING OF THE SHREW as a primer for how women SHOULD be trained and SUBDUED. if a man points to the sun and insists it is the moon, the smart WOMAN, the WOMAN with REAL power, smiles and agrees.
this book saved my marriage and CHANGED my life. i now realize that the WOMAN "makes of breaks the harmony of a home," that the WOMAN is "the glue of an enduring relationship." successful relationships between sexes are ENTIRELY the WOMAN's resposability - men are too TIRED and overWORKED to have to do this sort of THING. i have come to see that i "take a SECRET PLESURE in dominance by men" for i have learned "what every sadomasochistic aficionado will know: SUBMISSION can be downright RELAXING." so i'm going to stop bitching. no more yelling at images of ED MEESE or ORIN HATCH on tv. there's no SEXISM out these; just HUFFY, deluded, unFEMININE women who don't know how to keep their lips zipped. my needlepoint is on the way, and tonight i'm going to wash my hasBAND's feet with my hair. then i'll start on those BREATHING exercises.
it also says at the end of the article that SUSAN is selling her HUGE
collection of CRAFTSMAN power tools cheep.
frater luXNoir

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

JCCSF Battle of the Bands, Apr 29, 2017


Why do I care? Why should you care? I care that JCCSF gave a heksher, a sign of approval, to a bad event, and I care about fairness at a JCC sponsored event. Also, I want to express my opinion on this since it seems no one wants to “make a scene” and say something if it upsets them. Why is that? 

That was a marathon! :) Sadly, JCCSF & CJM owes the JCC community an apology. 

The event was run poorly - the first band was mixed badly, I could hardly hear the bass and guitar! Each band a just a few minutes for the sound check. The mic of one of the bands was never on! That was because there were 12(!!) bands performing. Actually, there was a large jazz school band, several one or two-people bands and several more standard rock bands. The event was handled much better last year at CJM where the individual musicians were judged on their merits in a separate competition, not mixed in with the larger groups. 

But the killer was the panel of 5 judges. One of the them was rhythmically challenged: she mistook a syncopated rhythm  on one of the songs  for poor time-keeping on the part of the drummer. She also said about a band that screamed their lyrics that altho’ she did not understand a word they said, she liked their energy. Wow! That comment pretty much obliterated the effort put in by the bands/artists who worked  so hard to craft thoughtful, heartfelt lyrics. Why is this person on the judge panel? I hope she does not appear at another Battle of the Bands judge panel. 

Then there was the arbitrary implementation of the rules. Let me quote this from the form each band received from the JCCSF: 

While at the JCCSF, performers must agree to follow the JCCSF zero-tolerance policy for the following: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, offensive or prejudicial language and violence. Please note that our zero-tolerance policy forbids using drugs or alcohol before as well as during an event hosted by JCCSF.


Battle of the Bands has a competitive element, but ultimately celebrates the community that is built when young people come together to express themselves. Participation in this event requires a commitment to this spirit, and an understanding that you will be judged fairly. Participants must therefore be respectful of all judges, their decisions and program staff.

Several bands used prejudicial language, including swearing. Besides, some bands were rather unintelligible, so we don’t know WHAT they were saying. I think I heard a “f*ck” on Mess’s song. Then there was the sexist, offensive song “Yoga Pants” by Mentally Wasted. Also, there was the issue of the shitless band members with one of the bands (The “Bro band”). I wonder if the JCCSF would have been cool with Tribe8 playing there, with its shirtless front woman. That was clearly sexism, both on the part of the JCC as well as on the part of the judges. I found that lack of awareness offensive. Btw, to the person from JCCSF/CJM who wondered about remarking on the shiftlessness of that band: you should have said something! Where was the zero-tolerance? This panel of judges shows the people present that rules do not matter. 

As  for fair judgement, it is clear that the judges were NOT fair. Of the double six-pack (pun intended) initial bands, 5 made it in the second round. Of those, 4 were thrash rock - School of Rock SM, Jestdogs, Mental Waste, Civil Servants; one was a solo act, excellent, by the way! - Henry Plotnick.  There was no variety in the 2nd round. There was also a stated rule that no band should play for more than 5 minutes. Several of the bands that advanced, including the last 2 in the final round played WAY over that 5 minute limit. The judges NEVER said anything about that rule break. I would have judged this differently: 4 bands  for second round: Rivet, School of Rock SM, Jestdogs, Mental Waste; and 2 single acts: Plotnick and the 80’s synth band. Then, I would have Rivet win in the band category, and Plotnick in the solo category. Couldn’t JCCSF/CJM have 2 $350 final prizes? Is JCCSF that strapped financially? I doubt it. This panel of judges picked bands that had a certain look, rather than sounded good The look was that of suburban metal/punk  - contrived shlumpiness :) The angst was put on, fake. I appreciated much more Annabel’s sincere lyrics, Rivet’s heartfelt words, and Plotnick’s inspired improvisations. 

Finally,  there is the potential conflict of interest that for one of the judges on the panel who is also a KPOO DJ.The finalist of the battle was offered radio air time by that same judge as a reward for the final 2 bands. It cast doubt on the impartiality of that judge, since it made me wonder if maybe she was looking for  good band for her show, rather than judge the best band at the JCC.  

Not cool/OK for JCCSF. 

The format of last year’s Battle, of each band playing 2 songs to start with is great. It avoids the one and done situation where a sketchy start or poor sound engineering can sink  a band, like it did for some last night. If JCCSF/CJM cannot do a good job organizing a Battle of the Bands consistent with JCC’s and CJM’s values, maybe they should not do it at all. 

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Our Tikvah/Hope Trip

 Our Tikvah/Hope Trip 


On Mar 3-12, 2016, I took part in a trip to Israel organized by the Irving Rabin Foundation and The Jewish Federation, representing Congregation Beth Sholom. We were in Israel to learn and share ways to build community from many organizations from across Israel. This was part of a project we had started in the Bay Area in January of 2016. We had already met as a group two times prior to the trip, and we are going to continue to meet. In these meetings we learned that we would be meeting with the third segment of the Israeli society that is hopeful about the future of Israel.  There is also a third of the society, which has given up on the future, and has opted for personal lives. There is another third, which has opted for living a traditional religious life. 

Theodor Herzl once said: “If you will it, it is no dream; and if you do not will it, a dream it is and a dream it will stay. We were able to see directly the realization of this dream of a state in Israel, as well as a continuation of this idealism realized in the work of the many NGO’s we met. We were able to see community building in many different places, in different modalities. What struck me, now that I am back and have had some time to unpack the trip, were several things: people we met were direct in their communications; they favored face-to-face (panim-al-panim) interactions; they seemed open; many of them started by telling us a lot about who they were and what their personal/group identity was.  They induced in us similar behavior. The projects they discussed and worked on were free of ideology or lofty ambitions. They focused on concrete, relatively short-term goals. Many of the groups involved people from disparate backgrounds, people I would have imagined not able to work together. 

It was an emotional trip. I felt I had come home, even though it was my first time in Israel. I felt at ease with all the people I met. I felt I was meeting cousins I did not know I had! Some of them probably were. I enjoyed the directness of communication that I have become hesitant to use in United States. I had a communal feeling – reminiscent of my youth in Romania – but with warmth that was lacking in Romania. It had a mishpochedik/familial feeling, without the suffocation that can sometimes accompany a close knit group. 

I have gathered some photos I took in Israel in this Dropbox folder:

 Mitzpe Ramon

Mar 3-4 was travel time, leaving from SFO airport early morning Th. Mar 3, arriving in Tel Aviv on Fri. afternoon Mar 4. There we met Yishai, one of our guides for the trip. We also reconnected with Barak, whom we had met in our earlier meetings before the trip, in San Francisco. We took a bus from Tel Aviv to Mitzpe Ramon, south of Tel Aviv, about 2.5 hrs drive. We checked into Beresheet Hotel there and had our first Shabbat in Israel as a group. Our stay at Beresheet Hotel was from Mar 4 - Mar 6.

Saturday, Mat 5, some of us went to the morning Shachrit service in the hotel. Afterwards, we studied with Sarale a new approach to community building. We explored what makes a community and how to foster these qualities: 

1. Meaningfulness
2. Belonging
3. Commitment
4. General Mutual Trust 

I found this new methodology compelling. As a group, we were still figuring out how to relate with each other. We had heard this presentation before at Varda’s house in January, but now it seem to make more sense. 

To facilitate discussion, we broke the rather large group of 40 or so people into 3 roughly equal groups: red, green, blue. I was in the red group, with Barak as our moderator. These sub-groups stayed in this configuration for most of the trip.  

We discussed what constitutes a good personal experience of community and what constitutes a bad experience of community. My bad experience was from my youth in Timisoara, Romania. I was compelled to go to a stadium in Romania with many fellow students from many schools and practice celebrating Ceausescu’s visit, pretending to like his visit and politics . We had to hold up colored sheets, which would spell out phrases of praise for Ceausescu and the Romanian Communist Party. The compulsion came from the fact that failing to go to the stadium and to play along with the charade of enthusiasm had dire consequences for both our families and us. A good community experience was dancing with many people for long hours to electronic music in the Bay Area in the 90’s. I enjoyed the feeling of belonging and acceptance.

After lunch we had a hike near the unusual crater in Mitzpe Ramon -; it is a crater created by erosion -  and we did a nature Torah study with our guide from Wilderness Torah, Zelig. The desert was beautiful, with its stark colors, bright sun, and long vistas. 

In the afternoon, we studied with Rabbi Moti. He is involved with exploring the concept of why be Jewish in Israel. OK, now there is a Jewish state. Why should the Israeli be Jewish? This is a question that we, Jews in the Diaspora/Galut/Golus, also struggle with. [Here I went into a mental detour of what is Diaspora- dispersal (from Greek), vs Galut/Golus - exile (from Hebrew/Yiddish). Spreading might be a different way to think of this exile. Maybe this dispersal/spreading of Jews in the world is needed to reconnect the world, to perform the Tikun/repair of the world. Maybe we are those klipot/shards of what was once a whole vessel.] I found interesting parallels in this question between Israeli and American Jews. 

In the evening of Sat Mar 5 we went to a local farm, the Orlya farm, where the family hosted us and served us a wonderful meal. Such a private family farm is a new phenomenon in Israel. Until recently most farms had been state-owned, or owned in common, like a kibbutz or moshav. We came back to the hotel and had a nice Havdalah there. 

Since in Israel Sunday is the first day of the week, a work day, we started our work in earnest on Sun Mar 6. We created a new custom to start our day with a Shachrit (Dawn) gathering of our subgroups for about 1 hour. At this time we introduced ourselves to the group, 2-3 people per morning (about 15 minutes total), then spent the rest of the time discussing what we experienced the day before. The focus was on personal statements, on our own feelings, not on abstract statements. 

I was one of the people who introduced themselves on this day. I recalled the story of Rabbi Nachman about the treasure under the bridge:  I expressed my hope that we would be able to find our treasure back in the San Francisco Bay area as part of our trip to Israel.

We proceeded to Yerucham, a town also in the desert. There we met with the mayor, Micha B. He described the work he had been doing improving the town of Mizrachi, Russian, observant Jews, who had been living in poor conditions.  The opening of a big military base nearby will probably improve the economic situation there. The work he had done, along with that of Ayalim,will increase the sense of community there. It was inspiring to hear the story of Micha B, son of Mizrachi immigrants, who is now the mayor of this town, achieving so much more than his parents could. 

We continued to Hura, an Arab Bedouin town - in Israel, most towns are either Arab or Jewish; only a few towns/cities are mixed Arab/Jewish.  There we had a wonderful lunch prepared by the people of Hura for us, and talked with the deputy mayor about integrating the Bedouins in Israeli society: how to mix some of the traditional semi-nomadic life with the modern settled life. We also met with some young people involved with an experimental farm, Wadi Atir:  This group is literally making the desert bloom, giving the town of Hura new economic possibilities. 

We concluded our Sunday with a visit to Moshav Netiv Ha’asarah, on the border with Gaza.  There we met with Raz, a member of the community, who described to us what it is like living on a moshav on the border. We went close enough to that border to see the Hamas fighters in the distance, weapons pointing at us. We were far enough to be safe from an actual attack (I think). After that visit to the border, we went to a community center where we did a meditation exercise led by Rabbi Glazer. It felt calming, grounding after a rather intense day. 

 Tel Aviv

In a class I took just before going to Israel I learned from Abraham Silver that about 200 families started Tel Aviv as a modern city just over 100 years ago. Our class saw a picture of this group on a hill. What a difference between that mostly empty tract of land of that group of immigrants from Europe and modern day Tel Aviv! 

We rode on our bus to Tel Aviv, where we checked in at the Carlton Hotel. Our stay at Carlton Hotel was going to be from Mar 6 - Mar 9. At the end of day we had our new custom of Ma’ariv (Evening) gathering, where we discussed the experiences of the day, in the full variety. I was very impressed by the work in Yerucham, where people of disparate backgrounds were able to work together to improve their own lives. I had a difficult time comprehending what life must be on the moshav. It seemed a bit too intense for me. Danger was staring at us all the time. Yet the moshavim/people living there said that it was their duty to guard the boundary of Israel with their homes.

Monday, Mar 7 started with our morning Shachrit gathering. We introduced ourselves, two of us that morning. Our red group seemed a bit tense after Sunday’s experiences, and some tension flared out. As a way to give identity to our group, I thought it would be good to give us a name. I had thought Devekut Chaverim/Attachment of Fiends would be a good one. I also felt that we could discuss a Brit/agreement for the group. I voiced these ideas later on Tue. 

We met with several people, including Dr. Eilon Schwartz, from Shaharit  - Think & Do Thank: a group, which creates communities in many disparate parts of Israel. What struck me in hearing the members of this group talk, and then discussing with them in smaller groups, was the face-to-face interactions approach to building community.  I was also impressed with their ability to bring  together people for such varied backgrounds.

After lunch we met with Collective Impact:, a group changing the way Arab professionals and Jewish professionals work together more successfully. It felt right to me that this unfairness towards Arab Israelis was being addressed. 

Later that afternoon we met and worked with Mayumana Dance Troupe: where we did an interactive rhythm workshop, involving drumming, stick work and dancing in smaller subgroups. We all moved together under the coordination of the members of Mayumana Dance Troupe. In the evening, we walked around Jaffa and then had dinner at Dr. Shakshuka.  Later we learned that a stabbing had taken place very close to where we were walking in old Jaffa! We realized how close danger is. We tried to calm ourselves: we went on the roof our hotel and held a closed circle. It was hard for me to stay present with so much stress all around! 

Tuesday, Mar 8 we started with our Shacharit gathering, continuing individual introductions. Later, we went to Lod, where we met with the leadership team of Israel Association of Community Centers: like our JCC’s. They had recently gone through a massive reorganization, changing their relationship with the community from a provider - client model to a partner  - partner model. One of the community building activities created there was a pre-Shabbat celebration in a public space, on Friday afternoon. It involved music, group actions, singing, and fun activities for kids. 

Later on Tuesday we rode to Mikve Israel. There, we met with participants of the JCF-G’vanim Program:, then had a Piyut workshop at Kiach (Alliance Israelite Universelle) and heard Yair Harel Trio lead us into songs. We enjoyed singing many traditional songs, including the more familiar Adon Olam, as well as sing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”, a song we have sung at Congregation Beth Sholom lately.  

At night, we went to SOSA (South of Salame), a tech start up area in Tel Aviv - We had a light dinner, drinks and worked on some ideas for improving community in the SF Bay Area using a start-up model of small teams, based on common interests. Our group came up with an idea for an app of what is going on in the Jewish community on any particular day. The data would be sent to the user. The content would be crowd-sourced, with the contributors receiving some kind of ‘stars’ for their contributions, which could then be redeemed at the participating events. 

Wednesday, Mar 9, we left early for the North, splitting up in several groups. My group went to Nazareth and Nezeret Ilit (Upper Nazareth). Upper Nazareth is rather poor economically, with about 50,000 people, of which about 80% are Jewish, 20% Arab. 

We visited an urban kibbutz, Kibbutz Mishol: . There were about 120 or so people, with about 50 children. The focus of this kibbutz is education, with most of the people living on it involved in education. They work in Upper Nazareth in schools or educational institutions. All the monies earned by the members are pooled together and used to run the kibbutz. The living and eating arrangements are flexible. Some people share sub-sections of the building with friends, and also made meals together. Other people have individual living spaces, but share meals with more of the people there. The cars are owned communally, so if someone needs a car, they would sign up for a car to get out of the pool of cars available. The common spaces included a conference room, a library. 

Afterwards, we went to Nazareth, and visited Fauzi Azar Inn. We heard a story from one of the owners, Odette, on the re-opening of the inn after many years of disuse. The story we heard was very close to what I found here: It was very moving to hear about the unlikely collaboration between Maoz and Odette.  We then had lunch at a nearby shop.  Another group went by cab and met us later at Adi’s ranch, near Alone Abba (thank you geo-locator in iPhoto!), as did the other groups, which had gone to different places during the day.

Then we met with INJAZ: a group which helps Arab townships get more transparency in their governments, as well as promote more women and young people to be engaged politically. 

At the end of the day all met at Adi’s ranch. There, we first heard Adi’s riveting story of a very difficult early life, trying and failing repeatedly to please his father. He told us that once he stopped doing that Sisyphean task, he found great strength in asking for what he needed, and helping others get what they need. Many times, that is simply compassion and emotional support.

His direct manner and warmth allowed him to connect panim-al-panim/face-to-face to many people. With this approach, he has built a large network of people all around Israel and the world. He generates business opportunities as well, but did not elaborate on exactly how that worked. 

His presentation generated a strong reaction among our group: some seem to like him but he put others off. I felt it was an interesting person to meet. His mode of community building was more like a wheel, with him in the middle, and the network around him the spokes around that center. The other groups we met had a more egalitarian, hierarchically flat structure. 


Afterwards, we took our bus to Jerusalem and checked into Inbal Hotel. We stayed there from Mar 9 - Mar 12.

On Th., Mar 10 we started our day meeting Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat. I have to say that I was curious to hear what the mayor would say to us. It was rather disappointing, and somewhat self-serving. He told us about all the improvements he brought to the city of Jerusalem. We asked him several pointed questions, none of which he answered! 

After that we walked to the Musrara neighborhood and met with Ruach Chadasha (New Spirit):  This is a community, which uses art to integrate the old with the new. We saw an intriguing exhibit of photos of the old Israeli Black Panthers from the 70’s:, and where they are now.

After that, we walked through Mea She’arim to the Machaneh Yehudah, the big open market in Jerusalem, and had lunch on our own. In the afternoon, we met with Col. (Res.) Danny Tirza, one of the seam zone’s designers. What struck me seeing this boundary between Israel and the West Bank area was the nearness and density of the various towns near Jerusalem. I felt overwhelmed by the size of the checkpoints. I can only imagine how it feels to have to go through them! 

We then had a Ma’ariv meeting, but did not make time to talk about the events we had experienced the days before. After a light dinner, some of us went back to Mea She’arim with some people from Ruach Chadasha. Women and men split into 2 groups, men led by Rabbi Mordecai, women led by a woman from Ruach Chadasha. We went separate ways, so we had rather different experiences. Rabbi Mordecai is a Charedi working at a yeshiva where Charedi women and men study secular and religious topics. This will allow them to be integrated in Israeli society and have jobs. Most Charedim do not get a secular education, which makes it difficult to get jobs. The trip with Mordecai through Mea She’arim at night was eye opening. There were many posters reminding the residents not to use the Internet, and not to use ‘non-kosher’ smart phones. Apparently, most Charedim have a ‘kosher’ phone, with only the approved apps on it, and a secret ‘non-kosher’ phone, which allows them to read the full Internet and learn what is going on in the world outside. It seemed a forbidding area. Barak, our guide, who has lived in Israel all his life, told us that this was his first time there! Some people in Me’a She’arim are so strongly anti-Zionist that they do not recognize Israel as a Jewish state!

Fri., Mar 11 we started our day with a visit to Shalom Hartman Institute: to hear Dr. Micah Goodman. He had some interesting things to say. His first point was that there are 2 main topics, which get in the way of the American-Israeli Jewish discussion: 

1. The Occupation
2. The effect of the ultra Orthodox in Jewish life. 

He dismissed the second point rather quickly, in my opinion. He dwelt on the first one for the rest of the time. Maybe he wanted to dwell on that first point more, and there was no time to do justice to both points.

So… Here are some of my notes. (The quotes and Dr. Goodman’s presentation of his views are all my [mis]understanding of his positions!)  

What to do after the 6-day war? ‘Right wing’: Rav Kook says that Zionism is a Messianic movement, which fuels the settlement movement. ‘Left wing’: let’s use land to make ‘peace’ with Israel’s neighbors. We can ‘normalize’ Judaism.  

Intifada 1, 2 (Intifada means ‘to shake off’). 
After the 1st Intifada, about 70% of Israelis were in favor of a Palestinian state. It was a blow to Israeli left.
After the 2nd Intifada, and its many suicide bombings, there was a large blow to Israel’s right. Was it fatal?

Israel is caught in a Catch-67 quandary: it must leave the disputed territories, yet it cannot leave these territories! Can’t trust either God or the goyim. 

What about the disputed settlements? West Bank: Land for the Palestinians taken by the Jordanians, then by Israel, offered to the Palestinians. They said NO. This became Intifada 2. The land might not be occupied but it is disputed territory. The land is disputed, but the people on it ARE occupied.  

We should focus on values and motivations, not on results. The Israeli-Palestinian dialogue seems to be governed by fear on the Israeli side, humiliation on the Palestinian side. Dr. Goodman is proposing to have a 40-year Houdna, a kind of cease-fire: no more settlements by Jews, no more attacks by the Palestinians. This will give time for a new generation to maybe then talk with each other and perhaps work towards some kind of ‘peace’. This is Dor haMidbar/the Desert generation, in transition. Here’s a talk by Dr. Goodman which discusses these points:

Afterwards we went back to the hotel and talked about what we will take away with us. We talked about Shabbat, as about being together, not about achieving something. Maybe it is a day of no hierarchy. We should reach out to communities, which were not on this trip. I thought of Chabad and R. Potash, who I know well. I think he might be interested in participating in this group. Another idea was to contact Congregation Magen David and see if they would be interested in doing a Maimouna celebration together with Congregation Beth Sholom - probably for 2017, it is probably too late to coordinate this for this year. Then, we started to go to the Kotel before Shabbat started. We had lunch in Old Jerusalem, but then we had to turn back after we hear that there was stabbing attack not far from us. Security suggested that we head back, which was what we did. During our stay in Jerusalem we always had two security guards with us while we were walking about. I was a bit concerned, although the presence of the security guards was reassuring. 

In the evening, I went to a Conservative/Masorti Kabbalat Shabbat service at Moreshet Yisrael:   The service was similar to the one at Beth Sholom, even using the same siddur, Sim Shalom, and the same Chumash, Etz Hayim. I enjoyed talking afterwards with Rabbi Adam Frank, who was familiar with Congregation Beth Sholom in San Francisco and with Rabbi Glazer. 

Afterwards, we had a nice, long dinner at the hotel. 

Sat., Mar 12, we had breakfast at the hotel, followed by hike back to the Kotel. This time we made it OK, and were able to get really close to the wall, as well as see King David’s tomb. Some of us put messages in the wall. I was struck by how close the Dome of the Rock was to the Kotel and to the Aksa Mosque. The Wall itself seemed a lot smaller that I had imagined. I felt odd, separated from the women’s section. It was separate and NOT equal! After we came back, we had a hike near the hotel, using the writings of Yehudi Amichai, S Y Agnon as pointers.  We concluded our Shabbat with a Havdalah, and then I checked out and took the bus with several other people to Ben Gurion Airport for a flight Saturday night to San Francisco. I had some time left over, so was able to buy some music in the airport. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Reconstruction" at PFA Apr 6, 2010 reconsidered

One person missing I thought of is Ana Pauker, he first woman member of cabinet anywhere. She was also the first Jewish leader of a nation anywhere since.... Devorah :) She was in the cabinet from 1947 until 1952. Shortly after that, the Romanian Communist Party (RCP) purged many of the Jewish communists from its ranks. Her trial to remove her had the usual communist canards about here being a "cosmopolitan" (Jewish) and a Zionist (which she was NOT). It might have been interesting to mention her in the movie.

Several other points come to mind.

First, the nature of money was very different in 1950's communist Romania than
Romania now or the West at that time. Ms Sevianu and her co-conspirators took
1,680,000 lei's from the Romanian National Bank. The average worker's salary
at that time was 400 lei! But there was no honest way to make a lot of money at that
time, so anyone with a large amount of cash was suspect of illegal activity.

Second, it was not easy to travel abroad and take the money somewhere else.
At that time, there were very strict rules for where Romanians could travel.
Mostly, they could travel to other communist Easter European countries.

The people who robbed the Romanian National Bank were all Jewish,
so perhaps Israel might have been an option. But the 1956 Suez canal war caused Romania to
suspend diplomatic relations w Israel, so there was not possibility to emigrate.

Third, how could the people who took the moneys spend them? Or, more basically,
why did they rob the bank?

Probably it was not for the money. It seems they were all committed communists,
and for them money was not that important.

Forth, as I was watching this movie, I started thinking of another Romanian who a flaire
of unusual is Isidore Issou (Jean-Isidore Goldstein), the founder of letterism.

His followers were responsible for invading Notre Dame de Paris on Easter Day, Apr.
9 1950 and interrupting the Easter mass w a long diatribe against the Catholic Church
and Christianity. Grail Marcus' "Lipstick Traces" has a quote on p. 279 of the speaeh the letterists
managed to deliver before being chased out of the Notre Dame de Paris by a murderous crowd.

Maybe the bank hold up was a letterist action. After the communists' coup d'etat in 1946,
they said a big "f*** you" the the communist state with their coup de banc.

I wonder if the people involved in the bank robbery had any contact w Jean-Isidore.
They were all about the same age, being born 1923 - 1925, all from middle class
Jewish families from Bucharest. Possibly, but we don't know for sure.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Wired needs remix

Wired had an interesting set of articles in the July 2005 issue on the rise of
cut and paste culture.

They touch on the virtual band Gorillaz, Quentin Tarantino, even bring in
good old William Gibson!

But I would have liked a bit of analysis. Maybe even an editorial stance:
is this "good"? "Bad"? Hard to tell. The subtle - maybe not so subtle -
message was that is was "all good".

But I am not so sure.

It is by now clear that all this surface stuff that passes for our present
culture has no depth. Literally. As Michael Bracewell makes clear in
his recent book, "When Surface Was Depth," all we have now is culture
as a series of events, with little to no analysis of what is going on.

This collapse of depth to surface has been going on for some time now.
Ken Wilber makes this point well in his "Marriage of the Sense and Soul".

Ever since modernity (and then post-modernity) won out in the cultural
scene, the richer depth of culture has been loosing ground little by little
under the relentless attack of 'efficiency' and 'utility'. "Scientism,"
the idea that the only way to perceive the world is through reason, and
that science is the only method of valorizing the world, has been flattening
everything in its path.

We need to get out of flatland, and explore the depths of the Tree of Life,
of the pillars of Chesed (Mercy) and Gevurah (Severity). Standing between them,
we might reach Tipheret, Beauty.

Zakh ayntz un Zakh tzvay

Monday, March 28, 2005

Scale-free networks

Recent work by Jeremy Rifkin in his book,
The Age of Access
as well as work by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
points to a fact we have known for a long time: we live in anetworked world.
More recently, grid computing has become a new, exciting
way to connect/network together resources across the world. These elements,
plus some of the work done by myself and others, gives us an opportunity to create
new services and products which will make the business life of our customors easier.

In his book mentioned above, Jeremy Rikfin points out that the new hypercapitalism is one based
on on-going transactions, based on relationships between servers and clients, rather than a
capitalism based on transactions based on exchange of goods for money.

Some relevant presentations can be seen at
pointing to some work on scale-free networks.